Cornerstone SRI

March 14 - 17 at Kiawah Island in South Carolina

Other Resources

Social Investment Forum (SIF) - Widely recognized nonprofit in U.S. offers extensive information, education and resources for ethical investing.

Social Responsible Investment News - is a substantial site for investment decisions regarding socially responsible investing. - Provider of information and education dedicated to socially responsible investing.

Domini Social Investments - SRI: Domini Social Equity Fund, the oldest socially responsible index mutual fund.

Good Money - Information about socially responsible investing.

Coop America - Contains information on boycott campaigns, sweatshop activism, public service, barter and LETSystems to regenerate local economies in the service of local needs.

First Affirmative Financial Network - One of the original socially responsible investment firms. Extensive information. Offices throughout the U.S.

Shareholder Action Network - Nonprofit group hosted by Coop America which informs and coordinates shareholder activism toward corporations which are behaving unethically.


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